Appointments can be a useful tool to manage foot traffic and establish initial expectations for why a customer needs to come into the store. Utilizing them at your location(s) can greatly improve customer relationships and loyalty. Below we will look at how to use the tool and its corresponding report to your advantage.
Creating an Appointment
Appointment scheduling is available through the Outbound Calling module. This will further clarify your customer calls, without the need to write down or remember all the important information. To set an appointment, you must make a Gryphon verified call and disposition it. When dispositioning the call, select " Set Appointment". From there, you will be given new fields to enter before closing the call.
All fields are required, so you'll have to fill in the First Name, Last Name, Appointment Date, Appointment Time, and Reason for Appt. Some things to note:
You can reset the information entered by clicking the "Clear Button".
You can disposition a call as "Set Appointment" without creating an appointment. Simply select the disposition and click "Disposition Call".
You can always select another disposition if the customer decides during the call to not make an appointment.
If you fill out the appt information in the fields and accidentally change the disposition, the info typed in will remain there until you disposition the call.
If during the call asking for the customer's name feels impolite, you can put in a placeholder like "Valued Customer" and get their full name when they arrive. Although, filling in their name will set you up for success later on.
Once everything is filled in you will be able to set the appointment in the Elevate Marketing system and disposition the call.
Scheduled Appointments
To find scheduled appointments, go to the new menu option under Outbound Calling called "Appointments". This is where you can view, export daily appointments, and cancel future appointments.
Once an appointment has been made you can view it in this window. Make note of the most pertinent information in the columns being First Name, Last Name, Reason for Appt, and Next Bill Date. You can sort the appointments by any of the columns. To get a more in-depth view of the customer, you can click the "eye" icon. This will display plan info, phone, info, and more to help you get an even better understanding of who is coming in before they arrive.
Although, what if the customer calls in to cancel? Clicking on the "x" icon will cancel an appointment. Please Note! This can only be done for future appointments and cannot be undone.
Lastly, so you can easily reference and access appointments we have the export feature. Simply select a location, a date, click update, and then click export. You will be given a PDF with QR codes associated with each appointment that you can print out. Once printed, you can use a mobile device to scan the QR code. Once scanned, you will automatically be taken to the appointment information screen so you can assist your customer on the go.
Here are some other resources that might help you get a better understanding of this new feature.
We look forward to hearing back about your experience with the new outbound calling appointment scheduling. As always, if you have any questions about this tool and or its functionality, feel free to contact our support at 877.839.8777 or