Ever wonder how our Outbound Calling tool works? Here's a quick rundown of how:
Elevate Marketing's Outbound Calling tool uses your store's unique SFID (Salesforce ID) to build your calling lists. Each list is scrubbed through Gryphon, a tool implemented by Boost Mobile that ensures customer contact is compliant with all Do-Not-Contact (DNC) rules. This scrub confirms that customers entered into the DNC list are not included in the group of customers you can call.
Once your customer list is loaded into Elevate Marketing, the system segments the list based on several factors to help you direct the correct call to the correct customer. The customer segments you will see for customers in their first 6 months are GSF Welcome + Pre-2MR Check-In, GSF 3rd/4th Month Check-In, GSF Pre-6MR Check-In. Beyond the 6 month mark, your customer will fall into the loyalty lists in the retention group. They are GSF Loyalty list (6 Months +) and the Legacy Customer list (All).
The promotional group's lists are based on current Boost or Elevate initiatives. The customers that fall into these lists are ones that match the filters of the campaign focus.
It is important to note that a customer can only fall into one calling group at a time.
After choosing a calling segment, you will have to choose how to filter that list further. You can either call customers that have never been called or customers that have been previously called. You can view the total list, but it is recommended to go through never been called and then afterward calling the previously called customers.
After choosing your segment (aka list), you can choose the individual customers you would like to call. If you have a specific call strategy/prioritization for your calls, use the filters or column headers to change your list.
After choosing a customer to call, a call guide is loaded into the system and appears on the screen as you are conducting your call. Each call segment has its own pre-loaded script tailor-made for that customer segment. This guide will lead you through the conversation, ensuring you are touching on key points and promotions relevant to that customer. The guide also includes a voicemail script if you do not reach the customer. Note: You must make the call using your store's phone and use your screen to guide the call.
The first half of the guide involves calling instructions and customer information to prepare for the call properly.
The second half of the guide is the step-by-step script that you can follow along with as you speak with your customer.
Once the call is completed, you will disposition the call. This will require you to choose the call's outcome from a list of pre-determined options (please note the additional options when selecting the "Set Appointment" disposition). This step is required for Boost Mobile DNC compliance. Once you have dispositioned one call, you are ready to move on to the next call by hanging up, and dialing back into Gryphon.
Please remember, calls not made through the proper calling process, which means dispositioned on both Elevate and through the Gryphon Dialer, will not be counted towards your total calls in the call report or calling summary email.
If you have any questions, please contact our team by phone at 877-839-8777, or you can also email us at marketingsupport@boostelevate.com.