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Outbound Calling Reporting - Call Report
Outbound Calling Reporting - Call Report

How to read your Call Report & how to use this data.

Taryn Wickel avatar
Written by Taryn Wickel
Updated over 2 years ago

Your Outbound Call Report gives you a full view of the calls being made from your store(s). As an admin, this report allows you to confirm calls are being made regularly and in compliance with the Outbound Calling Rules & Regulations. As a user, this report will allow you to see your call history, total call vs leads on screen, and total calls made through the month.

To find this report, go to the navigation menu on the left side of your screen, expand the Reports menu and click Call Report. At the top of your Call Report, you are given several ways to filter the report for the information you are looking for. Admins can filter by Location, Handset, User, and Disposition. Users can filter by Location, Handset, and Disposition. You can also narrow it down to a specific date or date range by using the Call Date Range filter.

Now that you've narrowed down the report using filters, you are able to view and/or export the information for analysis.

At the top, you will have three widgets that give you an overview of the call report data. Leads Displayed on Screen, % Calls Made vs. Leads Displayed On Screen, and Top Disposition. The information in each of these will change as you filter the data by user, location, and more.

On the left side, you will see all the call data from Elevate Marketing. Highlighted on the right side, you will see this data matched with data pulled in from Gryphon. Note that on smaller screens, you may need to scroll over to see the Gryphon data.

If the listed call has a Gryphon match, you will see information in the highlighted columns to the right. If there is no Gryphon match, the Gryphon columns will be blank. Gryphon data is only matched 1 time per day, for the previous day. So seeing no matched calls for the current day is normal.

Revamp your calls and promotions with even more precision using the Device Type Column and Filter in the Call Report. With these features, you can more easily notice trends with your calls and dispositions to specific device owners. This filter can be found at the top, and the new column will be after the customer number.

How To Use This Reporting for Admins

Your Call Report is a great way to spot-check total calls and compliance with its rules. For example, you can filter by date & location to get an idea of how many calls each of your stores is making in a given day or week. If you are concerned that your total calls are lower than leads displayed on the screen, as seen on your Calling Summary, you can filter by the user to see who your biggest offenders are and course correct.

How To Use This Reporting For Users

This Report is a great way to see how you are doing for the month. Are you meeting your call quota? Is your total calls vs leads on-screen percentage improving? Is there anything you can change to improve your dispositions? All great questions, with answers that can be pulled from this report. This can be a great talking point with your manager and or fellow employees to discuss ways you can improve on your calling goals.

One Note About Gryphon Matches

Each location is assigned two PINs through Gryphon. When you click "Show Number" to call a new customer, one of these PINs are displayed at random. If you are making several calls at once by using the # to end one call, then beginning another, it's possible the PIN on your screen may not be the same as the one you began the call to Gryphon with. This could cause the call to not register properly through the Gryphon system. As a best practice to avoid reporting errors, make a new call to Gryphon each time you call a customer.

Have questions about this report or need help walking through it? Give us a call at 877-839-8777 or start a chat! πŸ‘‰

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