Every week Account Owners & Account Admins receive an Outbound Calling Summary email. This email breaks down outbound calls weekly by location.
Here's what you'll see in your email:
In the first half of the email, you will see a summary of all your locations. You can view total appointments, the top reason for appointments, and how many total calls were made last week. The total calls will only register Gryphon verified and dispositioned calls. This is an important number because if too low for the number of displayed leads, your Outbound Calling tool for the offending location(s) may be deactivated.
*TIP: You can pinpoint which locations and users are not utilizing Outbound Calling properly by using your full Call Report. Click the View Call Report button at the bottom of the email to get to this report. For a breakdown of how to read & use the Call Report, click here.
The second half of your email will give you a breakdown of calls by the script and by location. You will also see a button to view your full call report. If you wish to unsubscribe from receiving this particular email, you can click the link at the bottom and manage your email subscriptions on Elevate Marketing.
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