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Setting Up Your Profile

Quickly Set up Your New Boost Elevate Marketing Profile

Taryn Wickel avatar
Written by Taryn Wickel
Updated over 2 years ago

Have you logged into Elevate Marketing and don't know where to start? We recommend taking a quick look at your profile. In your profile, you can adjust your settings and the info that other users can view. Begin by going to the top left of your browser window and clicking "Profile".

There are 5 options for settings in Profile. They include Details, Password, Avatar, Subscriptions, and Downloads.

Details allow you to change the first and last names that appear when you log in. This is pertinent, as it will be the name that appears in reports like the Call Report, and to Admins to see which users are under which locations.

Password will allow you to change your password within the platform.

If you would like, change your avatar in the Avatar section. This image will appear in the top right corner of the window, next to your name, when logged in.

Next is Manage Subscriptions. This section is only available to admins, to turn on or off the email updates that are received from Elevate Marketing. We recommend that you keep these on, so you can confirm what is happening at your locations with these easy-to-read email reports.

When trying to export a report, sometimes the info can be too large to download from the report screen. If so, that report will be located in the Downloads section of your profile. Here will be a history of downloaded large reports, the ability to re-download any past reports, and the ability to delete past reports.

As always, if you need any additional assistance getting your profile set up on Elevate Marketing - give us a call πŸ“±πŸ‘‰ 877-839-8777 or email us at!

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